Get the Most Out of Your Training with Custom eLearning Solutions

If your goal is for your learners to truly absorb the training you provide and apply the knowledge, a TLN custom eLearning development is your best solution. Our custom eLearning solutions allow you to design and develop custom online learning tailored to your brand, values, processes and company culture that best fits your unique training and business needs—and your return on your investment is worth it.


Benefits of TLN eLearning Development

Increased Relevancy and Knowledge Retention

TLN delivers custom eLearning that will motivate and engage learners through storytelling, scenario-based examples and unique experiences that drive learning. We don’t depend on generic content to teach a principle or skill that is specific to your brand or industry. Your custom online learning includes targeted examples tailored to your teams. The result: Your employees have a deeper understanding of the real applications of their training.

More Employee Engagement

Whether it’s exciting interactive elements, compelling videos and animation, or gamifying the whole experience, your business can add your own flair to your training. Providing unique content helps boost employee engagement. We know that engaged employees learn better, retain more information, and are happier and more productive. Our learning experts guide your organisation on what solutions will produce the best results.

Supports the Brand Image

Pre-built courses with generic content do not provide an accurate picture of how your company operates, because these courses were not designed for your unique business process or needs. Custom eLearning development makes it possible to customise the training to match your brand, values, processes and company culture. Learners connect better with content that is made with them in mind.

Allows Meaningful Feedback

The process of eLearning course development is more than just creating online courses; it’s about designing assessments with feedback that ensures information is being reinforced, retained and applied. When your eLearning is customised, learners receive meaningful feedback that relates to their work performance. TLN’s learning experts design and deliver training experiences that allow learners to hone their skills while understanding where they are excelling. A well-designed feedback system can increase an employee’s motivation to learn.

Full Accessibility, Full Connection

Whether you’re working towards ISO 9001 or something unique to your organisation, TLN has the experience to assist with modern accessibility requirements. Our team has a framework to deliver equitable learning experiences to your entire organisation, regardless of their unique needs. When everyone in your organisation can learn at their best, you maximize training effectiveness.

Value-Added Learning Assets 

Partner with TLN’s skilled team of learning experts to develop professional, state-of-the-art solutions to supercharge engagement – and take your learning to new heights.

Icon to represent micro animations, a value-added learning asset that The Learning Network can add to your custom online learning to take your learning to new heights.

Micro Animations 

Quick and simple animations to emphasize and elevate key points.

Icon to represent interactive activities, a value-added learning asset that The Learning Network can add to your custom online learning to take your learning to new heights.

Interactive Activities 

Engaging digital elements such as drag and drops, branching paths, and flip cards.

Icon to represent animated character scenarios, a value-added learning asset that The Learning Network can add to your custom online learning to take your learning to new heights.

Animated Character Scenarios 

Guide the learning journey with a story-driven scenario that stands out. 

Icon to represent gamification, a value-added learning asset that The Learning Network can add to your custom online learning to take your learning to new heights.


Who says learning can’t be fun? Gaming isn’t just for the couch – it’s a great way to build engagement and retention. 

See How Our Custom Solutions Can Solve Your Business Challenges